Digital Design Graphics Technology: AS Degree

This is a comprehensive four-semester program that enables a student to be employable as an entry level design drafter and three-dimensional (3D) artist with the versatility to work in a wide range of drafting and 3D graphic fields. The Digital Design Graphics Technology program is also an Autodesk Authorized Training Center (ATC) which ensures that students are always taught on the most current releases of the various Autodesk software programs used in their coursework.

Program Learning Outcomes 
  1. Create physical and digital media.
  2. Effectively apply current technology.
  3. Perform industry specific skills.
  4. Effectively work in a team environment.
Degree Requirements
Required Courses
DDGT-120Digital Design Graphics Technology 17
DDGT-121Digital Design Graphics Technology 27
DDGT-230Digital Architectural Drafting & Design 15
DDGT-240Digital Design Graphics Technology 37
DDGT-241Digital Design Graphics Technology 47
MACH-100Machine Shop Practice3
PHYS-110Descriptive Physics3
PHYS-111Descriptive Physics Laboratory1
TECH-92Technical Mathematics 13
TECH-107Technical Mathematics II3
Total Units46
  1. A.S. Degree: All courses as listed. All courses required to complete the major must be completed with a grade of C or better. Consultation with the Program Coordinator is required.
  2. Transfer to a baccalaureate degree granting institution: Consult the catalog of the college or university of your choice and a Napa Valley College counselor for specific requirements.

To receive an Associate Degree, students must complete 60 degree applicable semester units with a grade point average of at least 2.0. Students must also complete the NVC General Education pattern to earn an Associate degree. Consultation with a Counselor is highly encouraged to ensure all requirements are met.