Photography: Certificate of Achievement

This certificate is designed for students interested in developing a contemporary practice in photographyStudents will gain a foundation in photography including digital imaging, printing, lighting, and visual literacy.

Career Opportunities

Photographic Assistant, Digital Darkroom Technician, Color Management Controller, Fine Art Photography, Newspaper Photographer, Commercial Photographer, Portrait Photographer, Editorial Photographer, Documentary Photographer, Digital Imaging Artist, Photo Retoucher.

Program Learning Outcomes
1-1 1. Critically evaluate and understand the aesthetic, cultural, and political development of Photography in historical and contemporary cultures. 1-2 2. Create finished images for professional/fine art applications based on principles of effective design and\\ncommunication. 1-3 3. Translate concepts and visual experience into images. 1-4 4. Present finished design products for personal, peer, professional or academic review. 1-5 5. Evaluate and critique photographic work and receive criticism from others.
Certificate Requirements
Required Core Courses
PHOT-120Foundations of Photography3
PHOT-150Beginning Digital Photography3
PHOT-151Intermediate Digital Photography 3
PHOT-180History of Photography3
PHOT-200Lighting for Photography 13
Required Electives
Complete 2 courses from the following:6
Smart Phone Photography
Beginning Darkroom Photography
Intermediate Photography
Contemporary Issues in Photography
Photography in a Multicultural United States
Lighting for Photography 2
Lifestyle Photography
Total Units21