English (ENGL)

ENGL-90 4 Units Preparing for College Composition and Research

72 hours lecture; 72 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-85 with a minimum grade of C or appropriate placement.

English 90 is a class designed to build the students' skill level and confidence in academic reading and writing and prepare them for college level work, including research. The course emphasizes the relationship of reading, thinking, and writing, providing instruction in college-level critical reading skills, including the application of advanced reading comprehension skills, critical analysis, evaluation of college-level texts, as well as instruction in college-level essay development, including the concepts of coherence, clarity, and unity, and the correct use of grammar. A minimum of 5,000-6,000 words of writing is required.

Not transferable

ENGL-95 0.5-2 Units Composition Support

9-36 hours lecture; 9-36 hours total

Corequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ENGL-120, ENGL-120A or ENGL-120B.

English 95 is a support course designed to build students' skill level and confidence in academic reading and writing. The course emphasizes the relationship between reading, thinking, and writing, providing instruction in critical reading skills and essay development to promote success in a concurrent transfer-level English course.

Not transferable

ENGL-96 0.5-2 Units Accelerated English

27-108 hours lab; 27-108 hours total

Corequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ENGL-120, ENGL-120A, or ENGL-120B.

English 96 is a support lab designed to build students' skill level and confidence in academic reading and writing. The course emphasizes the relationship of reading, thinking, and writing, providing instruction in critical reading skills and essay development to promote success in a concurrent transfer-level English 120 course.

Not transferable

ENGL-97 0.5-2 Units Accelerated English

18-72 hours activity; 18-72 hours total

Corequisites: Concurrent enrollment in ENGL-120, ENGL-120A or ENGL-120B.

English 97 is a directed activity support course designed to build students' skill level and confidence in academic reading and writing. The course emphasizes the relationship of reading, thinking, and writing, providing instruction in critical reading skills and essay development to promote success in a concurrent transfer-level English 120 course.

Not transferable

ENGL-115 3 Units Introduction to Media Writing

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

This course teaches theory and practice of writing news and feature stories using accepted journalistic practices, including common story structures, interview strategies, legal and ethical issues, grammar, and style.

Transfers to CSU only

ENGL-116 1 Unit Publications Lab

54 hours lab; 54 hours total

Students in this laboratory course will produce a newsletter, news website, or literary magazine. This course covers critical evaluation, review and selection of material for content as well as media ethics, writing, editing, design, multimedia, social media and other skills.

Transfers to CSU only

ENGL-120 4 Units College Composition and Research

72 hours lecture; 72 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-90 with a minimum grade of C or appropriate placement.

English 120 develops expository, narrative, and argumentative writing based on reading and analysis of essays and other college texts. The course emphasizes critical thinking and reasoned support of ideas and reinforces the connections between reading and writing. Instruction includes a focus on research practices, evaluating sources, and proper citation and documentation. A minimum of 6,000 to 8,000 words of writing is required.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-120A 3 Units Reading and Composition Stretch 1

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-90 with a minimum grade of C or appropriate placement.

English 120A is the first semester of a two-semester sequence developing expository, narrative, and argumentative writing based on reading and analysis of essays and other college-level texts. This course emphasizes critical reading and thinking skills along with instruction in writing academic essays, including the concepts of coherence, clarity, and unity. 5,000 to 6,000 words of writing are required.

Transfers to CSU only

ENGL-120B 3 Units Reading and Composition Stretch 2

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120A with a minimum grade of C.

English 120B is the second semester of a two-semester sequence developing expository, narrative, argumentative, and researched writing based on reading and analysis of essays and other college-level texts. This course emphasizes critical reading and thinking skills along with instruction in research strategies and writing academic essays, including the concepts of coherence, clarity, and unity. A minimum of 6,000-8,000 words of writing is required.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-121 3 Units Advanced Composition and Literary Analysis

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

English 121 instructs students in expository writing based on the reading of literary works from a variety of periods and genres. Texts range from drama of the Ancient Greek, Renaissance, and Modern periods; poetry from the 16th to the 21st centuries; and fiction from the 19th to 21st centuries. This course emphasizes critical analysis of texts and revision of student writing. A minimum of 6,000 to 8,000 words of writing is required.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-123 4 Units Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking About Literature

72 hours lecture; 72 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course develops critical thinking, reading, and writing skills through the study of logical reasoning, the analysis of literary texts and the generation of written arguments. Literature will provide subject matter for approximately 6,000-8,000 words of argumentative essays; however, the course will emphasize the abilities to analyze, criticize and reason inductively and deductively.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-125 3 Units Advanced Composition & Critical Thinking

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course develops logical reasoning skills through the analysis and generation of written arguments. It focuses on the relationship of language to logic; the abilities to analyze, criticize, and advocate ideas; and inductive and deductive reasoning. It includes both analysis and writing of argumentative essays to develop critical and creative thinking, reading, and writing skills. Progress in specific writing skills will be developed through instruction in the writing process--particularly revision--and instruction in building arguments, avoiding faulty reasoning, and using evidence effectively. Approximately 6,000 to 8,000 words of writing are required.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-158 1-3 Units Dramatic Literature: The Stage on the Page

18-54 hours lecture; 18-54 hours total

Recommended Preparation: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course explores plays and other dramatic works with an emphasis on how the written word becomes embodied on the stage. Figurative language, character development, and cultural contexts will be examined for how they inform performances and theatrical production. This class is frequently taught in tandem with Theater Arts 158, but it is a separate course.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-200 3 Units Introduction to Creative Writing 1

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-120 or completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C or appropriate placement.

An introductory course in the practice of creative writing, including work in creative nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry. Emphasis is placed on learning and practicing the basic elements of craft and closely examining the work of published writers and students. There will be some use of workshop format to critique student work.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-201 3 Units Introduction to Creative Writing 2

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-200 or equivalent with a minimum grade of C.

An intermediate course in the practice of creative writing, including work in creative nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry. Emphasis is placed on learning and practicing elements of craft and closely examining the work of published writers and students. There will be some use of workshop format to critique student work.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-202 3 Units Introduction to Creative Writing 3

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-201 or equivalent with a minimum grade of C.

An advanced course in the practice of creative writing, including work in creative nonfiction, short fiction and poetry. Emphasis is placed on learning and practicing elements of craft and closely examining the work of published writers and students. There will be some use of workshop format to critique student work.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-203 3 Units Poetry Workshop 1

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of or eligibility for ENGL-120 or completion of ENGL-200 or equivalent with a minimum grade of C.

A course designed to teach the craft of reading and writing poetry. Poets will meet in a workshop environment where they will complete weekly reading assignments and write poems based on assignments that facilitate knowledge of the craft of poetry. Students will also learn creative writing workshop techniques as they exchange suggestions on their work in progress as part of workshops. Written critiques of poems and instruction in poetic technique will be provided by the instructor.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-205 3 Units Fiction Workshop

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120, ENGL-120B or ENGL-200 with a minimum grade of C or appropriate placement.

English 205 focuses on the craft and practice of fiction, including the study of various fictional forms such as short stories, short-short stories (or sudden fiction), and novels, as well as a variety of genres and narrative purposes. In addition to studying strategies and techniques of fiction, students will also focus on author point-of-view and subject position, and the historical and social contexts of writing. Students will create their own works of fiction, and they will read, discuss, and write extensively about contemporary works which reflect canonical, marginalized, and underrepresented voices. A major focus of the course is practice and participation in creative writing workshops in which students will share their work and provide constructive criticism on the work of their fellow writers. Written critiques of works-in-progress and instruction in the craft and practice of fiction will also be provided by the instructor.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-213 3 Units Survey of British Literature 1

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course focuses on reading and analyzing major works of British literature from the Anglo Saxon and Medieval periods through the eighteenth century. Literature will be reviewed in relation to its historical, political, social, and artistic contexts and its relevance to our times. Written exams and critical papers are required.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-214 3 Units Survey British Literature 2

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

Reading and discussion of major works of British literature from the nineteenth century through the present. Review of the literature in relation to its historical, political, religious, social, and literary contexts and its influence upon and pertinence to our times.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-215 3 Units Survey of American Literature 1

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course introduces students to America's literary traditions from their beginnings to the second half of the 19th century. Literature will be examined alongside its historical, philosophical, social, political, regional, and aesthetic contexts.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-216 3 Units Survey of American Literature 2

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course introduces students to a wide range of American authors and their relationship to major literary and intellectual movements from the second half of the nineteenth century to the present. Literature will be considered alongside the historical, social, and aesthetic contexts of the United States.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-220 3 Units Shakespeare: Introduction

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

The course offers reading and discussion of representative Shakespearean comedies, tragedies, and histories, as well as other selected plays and poems. The class examines changing texts and performances of Shakespeare's plays from the sixteenth century through the present. Students review the literature in relation to its diverse social, historical, political, religious, cultural, artistic, and literary contexts as well as in relation to its contemporary influence.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-224 3 Units Survey of Native American Literature

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 with a minimum grade of C.

This course examines the unique literary contributions of Native American writers. Emphasis is placed on the living experience as expressed through Native works of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and film, from pre-contact civilization to present day tribal cultures.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-226 3 Units Survey of African American Literature

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course surveys African American prose, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction from its roots in the vernacular tradition to the present. It examines the evolution of African American artistic expressions and literary movements with particular attention to the historical, political and cultural contexts surrounding them. Emphasis is placed on the multiplicity of voices that comprise African American communities in the U.S.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-228 3 Units Chicano and Latinx Literature

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course surveys Mexican American and Latino/a influences in American Literature, introducing major authors, movements and themes. Coursework emphasizes Hispanic cultural perspectives and the diversity of Latinx communities and voices in the United States.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ENGL-231 3 Units Literature and Sexuality

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or ENGL-120B with a minimum grade of C.

This course explores literary representations of sexuality and the erotic. Students will read and analyze texts that both reflect and challenge queer and normative identities, with attention to cultural and political issues surrounding sex, gender, and orientation.

Transfers to both UC/CSU