Business (BUSI)

BUSI-100 3 Units Introduction to Business

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

This course is a survey in business providing a multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society, economic systems, legal, international, political, financial institutions, and human behavior interact to affect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and a global society. It demonstrates how these influences impact the primary areas of business including: organizational structure and design; leadership, human resource management, organized labor practices; marketing; organizational communication; technology; entrepreneurship; legal, accounting, financial practices; the stock and securities market; and therefore affect a business's ability to achieve its organizational goals.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

BUSI-103 3 Units Legal Environment of Business

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Fundamental legal principles pertaining to business transactions. Introduction to the legal process. Topics include sources of law and ethics, contracts, torts, agency, criminal law, business organizations, and judicial and administrative processes.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

BUSI-104 3 Units Business Planning

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the skills to evaluate the current economic, social, and political environments relevant to their business ideas. They will also gain an understanding of how demographic shifts, technological advancements, and social changes can affect their business concepts. The course will guide students in assessing the suitability of their business ideas, taking into account their strengths, skills, and personal, professional, and financial objectives. Through initial market assessments and basic market research, students will refine and test their business concepts. This course is a mandatory component of all Entrepreneurship Certificate programs offered by the department. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to make informed decisions about the viability of their entrepreneurial ventures.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-105 3 Units Business Communication

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL-120 or appropriate placement with a minimum grade of C.

This course applies the principles of ethical and effective communication to the creation of letters, memos, emails, and written and oral reports for a variety of business situations. The course emphasizes planning, organizing, composing, and revising business documents using word processing software for written documents and presentation-graphics software to create and deliver professional-level oral reports. This course is designed for students who already have college-level writing skills.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-111 3 Units Introduction to International Business

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

This course is a survey of International business, including politics, culture and economics. Specific topics include entry strategies for foreign operations, establishing banking relationships, raising capital, currency exchange and marketing in foreign environment. The course will also study international human resource management, International operations and supply-chain management strategies, as well as international accounting and taxation.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-142 3 Units Principles of Management

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Analysis of basic management theory and concepts. The primary functions of management (planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling) are studied in depth.

Transfers to both UC/CSU

BUSI-144 3 Units Introduction to Entrepreneurship

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

This course is an introduction to the theory, process, and practice of entrepreneurship. Students will examine the entrepreneurial mindset in its true economic and social context by studying the unlimited opportunities of innovation and creativity that an entrepreneurial mindset can provide.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-148 3 Units Leadership for Effective Organizations

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

Provides an understanding of change and the influence it has on an organization and the individuals in that organization. Topics include understanding organizational change, stages of change, and how to manage organizational change. Special emphasis is placed on the attributes of good leaders how they must develop a vision and strategy to manage change and communicate that vision throughout the organization.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-199 1-3 Units Independent Study in Business

54-162 hours lab; 54-162 hours total

Limitation on Enrollment: Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to enroll in this course, demonstrating academic proficiency and dedication. Enrollment requires the endorsement of a faculty member who will supervise and guide the student throughout the independent study. This mentorship is crucial for the successful completion of the course.

This opportunity is for advanced students with special skills and interests in business to explore an independently selected topic in depth under the direction of a business instructor. The number of units granted will depend upon the evaluation of the project by a business instructor.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-251 3 Units Marketing

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of digital marketing to help your business or career. The course is packed full of practical exercises and real-world examples to help you turn knowledge into action.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-252 3 Units Introduction to Social Media

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

This course explores top-rated Social Media networking sites on the Internet such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and provides a hands-on approach to setting up and designing social media sites for an integrated, professional social media presence.

Transfers to CSU only

BUSI-297 3 Units Personal Money Management

54 hours lecture; 54 hours total

An introductory course for planning and managing individual finances and for money management. Topics will include purchasing decisions, sources of credit, personal tax strategies, budgeting, saving, investing in real estate and securities, insuring personal resources and retirement planning.

Transfers to CSU only